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Amer Chamaa

Amer Chamaa

Amer Chamaa

Amer Chamaa


June 13, 2022



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Online retailers and social media platforms are in a video shopping race to claim the future of retail. Retail in the lead!

Retailers and social media platforms are in a race to claim the future of retail through video shopping. Contrary to popular belief, retailers are actually in the lead and seem to be facing a brighter future.

Leading retailers in their industries all aim towards creating a direct connection between shoppers’ “product desires” and their logo, the same way all leading social media platforms aim towards creating a direct connection between people’s “entertainment desires” and their logo. The introduction of video commerce means that these two worlds are merging and things are becoming quite confusing. The desire for products & the desire for entertainment are now intertwined, and this means the race is on between retailers and social media platforms. Whose logo will win the attention of shoppers and gain value?

le tour cycling GIF by Le Tour de France

Retail in the lead!

If you’re an established multi-brand retailer, we’re here to tell you that you are streaking ahead in the race by 90%.

Just think of it like an iceberg; 90% is happening underwater and behind the scenes, 10% you can actually see shining under the spotlight. The 90% represent the foundation of your e-commerce business and retail operations.

1- Data & Analytics

2- Products & brand management

3- Consumer research

4- Warehouse & inventory management

5- Logistics & Legal
xxzThis leaves you with the 10%, which represents the crucial shopping experience. For this, you can either rely on social media platforms and be at their mercy, or you just need to build your own.

video shopping iceberg

Simple, you just need to find the right live shopping provider with an offering that fits your retail strategy. The Many-to-Many model LIVEBUY offers can help you build a platform of many creators, streaming many brands to many consumers, while tailoring the experience to fit the needs of your market.

1- Own a video shopping platform

Videos & live-streams speak louder than a billion pictures or words; they’ve indefinitely captured the attention of people on the web and are taking the world of online shopping by storm. The people & stories behind brands & products represent today’s “emotional marketing”, and they empower shoppers by greatly improving their buying decisions. That’s an experience best provided by video content, and it is yielding unprecedented numbers when it comes to sales conversion rates and average visit times.

2- Grow a creator pool

Grow a pool of authentic creators, and aim to create long-lasting bonds with them, as you do with your partners and brands. Supporting them and rewarding them for the content they create, will turn them into influential and motivated ambassadors of your store.

3- Learn & scale to dominate your industry

Through analytics, you can learn which formats, content creators and concepts best perform and develop an optimized content strategy. Imagine every product page in your shop, having a small window with an expert, celebrity or influencer showing how it's used and why they love it. This would turn your shop into the most enjoyable source of information, and most trusted review site in your industry.

Which logo will shoppers tap on?

Will people go shopping on Instagram in the future? Or will they watch live shows on Amazon? Social media platforms have been trying to integrate online retail into their offering for a while now, with no major success. That’s because the technical & strategic challenges behind this integration are proving to be more difficult than expected. With your own video shopping platform, you will be equipped with the most effective shopping experience tool to win the race and keep the socials where they belong!

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