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Introducing: Performance Analytics 📊

Amer Chamaa

Amer Chamaa

Amer Chamaa

Amer Chamaa

June 1, 2022


min. read

Introducing: Performance Analytics 📊

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Analyze, learn and maximize the efficiency of your shoppable content with the all new Performance Analytics tool.

The LIVEBUY performance Dashboard gives you access to a smart analytics review system. Sort the data by content type, date and get access to an extensive filter system to gain powerful insights. The analytics are displayed in graphs and can be exported as raw data. Easily compare the performance of different time spans, display trends and more. Anything is possible when there's data involved, and it will take your live shopping game to the next level!

Why do retailers need Analytics?

Every successful video content platform provides its creators with a way to keep track of their performance over the course of time. Famous YouTubers & Twitch celebrities can only create a proper content strategy after having analyzed & learned from previous experiences. This is even more relevant for video integrated retailers; after all, data is a store's best friend. Here's how you can easily scale your live shopping experience using analytics.

performance analytics

1- Understand your shoppers

Finding out which content is performing the best by measuring such parameters as chat engagement, average viewer time and sales conversion will help you understand how your customers tick. This allows you to dive deeper into their behavior, and will guide you as to which steps need to be taken for better results.

2- Experiment

When equipped with a tool that helps you measure exactly what is receiving the most love, you become able to try out various concepts, formats & creators and precisely track what converts the best. Depending on your industry and nature of your online store, you may find that adopting different formats will also help satisfy different consumer groups.

3- Optimize

By observing trends & averages over different time spans, and after having experimenting with different live shopping formats, you can spread your insights and best practices with your creator pool. One success story originating from one lucky creator, can be quickly spread and made into a quality standard for your video shopping platform.

Are you interested in a test ride? Book a demo!

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