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Many-to-Many live video shopping - The most scalable model 📈

Amer Chamaa

Amer Chamaa

Amer Chamaa

Amer Chamaa

May 9, 2022


min. read

Many-to-Many live video shopping - The most scalable model 📈

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How to integrate live video shopping into an online store, in the most scalable way? Key insights behind the live shopping tech.

Integrating videos and live streams into the online shopping experience is the future of online commerce, and retailers are starting to get on board. But how can they create a live video shopping experience in the most scalable way? LIVEBUY believes the Many-to-Many model (M2M) is the way to build a successful video platform for the future, as it is purely based on how the world has been evolving.

How exactly has the world evolved?

Video content platforms are the new marketing/advertising playgrounds for retailers. Instagram, TikTok, & YouTube are the main platforms that have given birth to the concept of "Influencer Marketing". Each of these big players serves as a central platform, connecting many content creators to many consumers. That's the M2M philosophy for you; decentralizing the process of content creation.

All of these platforms have equipped creators with the power to easily produce and share their content to billions around the world. Neither camera crew nor studio needed for that; everything is possible with a smartphone. This enables creators to seize the moment, and tackle any relevant or exciting topic on the spot. The content being created is no longer perceived as an ad, but rather as lifestyle, due to the creators' authentic, real-time engagement. This establishes a deeper sense of trust towards the "not so branded" content, and gets rid of the uncertainty standing between a customer and the check-out button.

The content has to come from the outside.

YouTube currently has over 800 Million videos on their platform. Imagine them as a company, having taken on the challenge of producing them all. That is an unrealistic stand to uphold, which retailers should really keep in mind when integrating a live video shopping platform into their online store. The content has to come from the outside for a successful outcome.

The classical way of a retailer/brand producing an ad or a different piece of content for a product, may have positive outcomes at times, but it is far from scalable. It's expensive, time-consuming & limited when it comes to the amount of content that could and should be produced.

Leading retailers, with a high amount of website visitors, will quickly realize that only the many to many approach could satisfy the needs of the millions of online shoppers on the worldwide net.

Why have creators on TikTok, if you could have them in your shop?

Use the M2M philosophy to create your own video shopping platform, and use your social channels to generate traffic to your website or app. The first retailers to build a foundation with content creators who produce tasty, authentic, shoppable content, will dominate their industry. Those who don’t will have to fight extremely hard for every bit of attention.

Let's have a look at Douglas. They are ruling the cosmetic industry in their region now more than ever, simply because they've been building strong bonds with many influential personalities from the cosmetic world & superstars like Alicia Keys. They are gaining the loyalty of shoppers through this experience, and are greatly strengthening their bonds with the brands they sell.

future live video shopping

Open up to the digital age!

There are millions of shoppers who love the products they use, and already stream and post about them on a daily basis. All you have to do, is give them a way to do that on your store, and they will scale it to a platform. That's the real potential behind live video shopping, and the retailers who seize it will secure themselves a future, in which they stay relevant to their customers.

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